Top 3 Reasons to Eat More Cell Cultured Meat

Cell cultured meat otherwise known as lab-grown, cultivated or clean meat is produced in a laboratory from some animal cells. It is certainly real meat however it doesn’t need animals to be killed the way conventional meat does. The concept is to produce a more humane and eco-friendly meat industry. Some experts think that this is the future.

To make cultured meat, scientists take the building block cells [stem cells] from the animal and bathe them in a liquid that contains nutrients to help replicate and then store them inside a bioreactor. Once it starts to develop, the following step would be making it into a realistic meat item for consumption. Companies are doing their best to find the ideal ways to produce nuggets, burgers and other products!

Various benefits

Less contamination

Supporters of cell cultured meat say that it is less likely to be contaminated by E Coli bacteria and other contaminants that you might often come across in a meat processing area.

Fewer antibiotics

Conventionally raised livestock are given antibiotics to keep them fit and healthy. This might cause antibiotic resistance wherein the drugs do not function well on infections as they used to, once.

Zero cruelty

Around 50 billion animals are factory farmed. They are treated like bad and not as breathing, living animals. They bear miserable and short lives and are crammed together in crates, cages or pens wherein they are not able to participate in natural deeds. More animals are selectively raised to be swift growing; broken or weakened bones, lameness, organ failure, infections are some typical issues. Cell cultured meat has the ability to end the torment of farm animals.


Clean meat tastes like real meat because it is real meat, just produced in a different way. It is healthy, produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions and possesses various other benefits of traditional meat as well.


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