
Showing posts from January, 2022

Pros And Cons of Lab-Grown Cell-Cultured Meat

Lab-grown meat, also called cell-cultured meat , clean meat, cell-based meat has its own pros and cons. Pros Sustainable Cell cultured meat is a sustainable solution. There are no two ways about it. This means using less water to yield meat, and less methane gas is released into the environment. Overall, it is a much cleaner solution compared to factory farming. Animals suffer less One can indeed produce cell-cultured meat from animals that do not end up getting slaughtered. But, the reality is that most of the animals that will be utilized for R&D purposes are animals that are already on the slaughter lines. That being said, there’s a future where you can eat meat without having to kill animals for every bite you take. Fewer bacteria Since lab-grown meat is produced in a sterile environment, there’s the chance of producing fewer bacteria. The meat that you get to eat will be totally free from a lot of potential diseases. Lots of drugs and antibiotics that are general...

Investing In The New World of Life Science

The life sciences industry played a crucial role during the COVID-19 pandemic. Competitors in the field of medicine collaborated to accelerate the development of a novel vaccine to cope with this global crisis. The Life Science sector worked hand in hand with governments, health care systems, non-profits, and retail pharmacies to provide the widespread distribution and the administration of the vaccine.   Every disruption also gives rise to opportunities and the new normal gave rise to a highly digitized world. This world has brought to light several possibilities and opportunities for  life science investment . The life sciences industry is undergoing a phase of tremendous development and advancements majorly due to its collaborative nature. The coming years are going to witness biotech companies joining forces with other ancillary health sciences organizations. This will push the boundaries for the state of the art developments. These innovative collaborations will creat...

Top 3 Reasons to Eat More Cell Cultured Meat

Cell cultured meat otherwise known as lab-grown, cultivated or clean meat is produced in a laboratory from some animal cells. It is certainly real meat however it doesn’t need animals to be killed the way conventional meat does. The concept is to produce a more humane and eco-friendly meat industry. Some experts think that this is the future. To make cultured meat, scientists take the building block cells [stem cells] from the animal and bathe them in a liquid that contains nutrients to help replicate and then store them inside a bioreactor. Once it starts to develop, the following step would be making it into a realistic meat item for consumption. Companies are doing their best to find the ideal ways to produce nuggets, burgers and other products! Various benefits Less contamination Supporters of cell cultured meat say that it is less likely to be contaminated by E Coli bacteria and other contaminants that you might often come across in a meat processing area. Fewer antibiot...